Home the bowen technique

The Bowen Technique with Diana Menzies-Smith in Cobham and Weybridge, Surrey may help  with pain relief, improve mobility and empower your body to heal itself. 

The Bowen Technique is a soft tissue remedial therapy that involves the therapist using fingers or thumbs to move over muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and the fascia in various parts of the body. Bowen can be effective to help relieve everyday stresses, revitalise the whole person and bring your own body's healing ability into action.

A series of gentle moves, with frequent pauses, gives the body time to benefit.

Bowen is quick, fast and non invasive!

Sports injuries and performance may improve faster with The Bowen Technique and lasting relief from pain and discomfort may be gained throughout your body.

Do you want to be able to play your sport throughout your life and gain more energy?

The Bowen Technique may accelerate healing and is suitable for babies and the elderly, as the gentle moves give the body the information to correct.

Bowen Therapy often results in a long-lasting effect on the body alignment and is much gentler than some manipulative therapies - without the need for vigorous manipulation.  

Each Bowen therapy session varies according to the particular problems of the client.  By focusing on the lower and mid back and legs, the upper back, shoulders and the neck, a sense of wellbeing can be achieved, helping relaxation, aiding sleep - helping to remove everyday stress and anxiety that can make us feel under-par or prevent us from functioning at our optimum.  Bowen may target your specific problem and treat the body as a whole.

The fascia is given particular attention. The fascia is a sheet of connective tissue which connects one muscle to another, forms the basis of tensegrity and covers the structures of the body responsible for your posture. Fascia is like a communication network which wraps around, through and engulfs the organs and body.  It is a bit like glue, or a spider's web and allows flexibility, gliding and movement between various parts of the body, affecting the way you hold your spine, for example. Fascia has sensory nerves, it has a consciousness and is an organ that connects us. Fascia is able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner thereby influencing the musculoskeletal system. By working on the muscles and fascia together, the body structure is affected, helping you to adopt a less painful posture.  "Fascia is the most richly innervated tissue in the body". "The largest sense organ in the body with high density of proprioception." Bowen allows proprioceptive pathways to change, resulting in long-term changes in posture. 

Bowen research tells us that Bowen helps the hydration of the myofascial.  When things get stuck, things don't move.  The best way to hydrate is to apply pressure to tissues and then wait.  Fascia is a fluid medium.  It can get stuck and sticky.  So Bowen stimulates efficient nerve and blood supply by creating more fluidity in the surrounding connective tissue.  This helps with capillary action and aids relaxation by lowering the stress response and increasing vagal  tone.

Bowen Therapy often results in a long-lasting effect on the body alignment and is much gentler than some manipulative therapies - without the need for vigorous manipulation.  

As well as addressing symptoms of concern, Bowen Technique creates a wonderful sense of deep relaxation in the body. Some clients who do not have any conditions they specifically wish to address, receive "top-up" treatments, to improve their sense of well-being and proactively look after their own health.

Bowen Technique has been used successfully for more than 40 years to treat thousands of people suffering from a variety of illnesses.

BOWTECH®, (The Original Bowen Technique) is a gentle, fast, effective therapy which can be performed over light clothing or on your skin. It addresses the whole of your body, so often many conditions can be treated at the same time. A treatment may last anything from 10 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, although treatment time is normally 45 minutes to an hour. Each session is unique to you.

Treatments with Diana are not designed to be a substitute for medical advice recommended by a Doctor.

Bowen Qualifications and Courses undertaken by Diana Menzies-Smith:

Masters Specialised Bowen Procedures; Neck Pain and Diabetes; Working with Bad Backs; Sport Bowen; Mothers and Babies (Specialised Procedures); Bowen for the Immobile, Stroke and Chronic Fatigue Patient; Mind Body and Bowen; Bowen and Ayurveda; Human Fascia & Dissection at Imperial College; Smart Bowen Therapy Resolving Lower Back Issues; The Secrets of Fascia.  Diana has served on the Bowen Association UK Committee and has a Diploma in Anatomy and Physiology; Diploma in Pathology; Diploma in Counselling Skills; First Aid Certificate;  YMCA RSA Exercise to Music Teacher and Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Certificate.

These Two Hands - The Story of Bowen Therapy!
View the trailer here: https://youtu.be/7_YT37pL9y4
These Two hands - The Story of Bowen Therapy (Official Trailer 2022)


"Feel Better With Bowen"


The Original Bowen Technique

THE BOWEN TECHNIQUE was developed by the late Tom Bowen in Australia. Tom Bowen (1916-1982) devoted a lifetime, in Geelong, Australia, to developing this gentle and innovative approach to bringing the body's own healing abilities into action. It is a unique system of muscle and connective tissue therapy that often has amazing results. Gentle moves over the fascia of the muscles and tendons stimulate energy flow and empower the body to heal itself. Two minute waiting periods are incorporated into each session.
Tom Bowen claims to have received the therapy as a "Gift from God." He was treating more than 13,000 patients a year and rarely more than two sessions per person. The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia was founded in 1987 naming the technique BOWTECH® - The Original Bowen Technique. "BOWTECH® is hands-on healthcare." It is not considered as a substitute for medical advice or treatments recommended by a Doctor.

“I can't believe it! It is amazing! I just wish I had heard
about The Bowen Technique earlier – brilliant!”

Mrs Wheeler from Chertsey
email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it telephone: 01932 988828 location: Cobham, Surrey

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