Bowen touches us.
The amazing benefits of Bowen never cease to amaze me.
There are different types of touch in Bowen which involve a stimultation of intrafascial mechanoreceptors.
Fascia is made up of myofibroblasts (happening on a cellular level). They are slow to respond, affected by PH and affected by emotional stress. They act like smooth muscle cells and contract and release in rythmic oscillation to about 90 seconds each phase. (Cranial Sacral rythms feel it.)
They contract around particular sites around the body. When people are stressed, the whole fascia is tight and they are very sensitive to emotional stress. We become very acidic when stressed and need a more alkaline environment.
There are sensory nerves that respond to different types of touch and have different physiological effects.
The GOLGI respond to quite firm pressure. They can be found in ligaments and joints and areas of muscles, close to tendons. They are very important in inter-reception and have the ability to recalibrate your perception of where you are in space. There are important Golgi tendons in the fascia in the feet. When you put both feet together on the ground it sends a strong signal to the brain. If we get out of the car and get out of bed with both feet on the ground we would have less postural problems!
PACINI - are sensitive to very fast moves as in the Special Bowen Procedures 2.
RUFFINI - are very interesting - we work with them a lot in Bowen - they are sensitive to slow and melting pressure. They have an effect on the sympathetic nervous system.
INTERSTITIAL - have a lowering effect on the sympathetic nervous system. These are the ones involved in chronic pain situations. They are sensitive only to very light pressure.
Hopefully the above will help you understand a little bit more about how Bowen works, what Bowen moves do, and why we use different pressures on Bowen moves during the various procedures.