Home news archive Bowen and Sports Injuries December 2013
Bowen and Sports Injuries December 2013
Injuries in Sport
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27th July 2010

2nd December 2013     

Did you know that  there are nine key Elements of Fitness that are considered essential to partake in sport and every day life?


The Bowen Sports Injuries webinar with Michael Quinlivan in Australia that I did on Saturday as part of my Core Professional Development was packed full of wonderful information.   


I shall use this Newsletter to recap on a few key facts about fitness, types of injuries and What Not To Do following an injury, so please read below.      

Remember, if you have suffered an injury, a Bowen Treatment on the day of injury can ease shock and trauma.   So don't wait, just call me! 


Mobile:  07956 390 109

Tel:  01932 988828 

Diana Menzies-Smith   



Complete physical function is critical to successful sporting endeavour.  This is the same for everyday life.  A fit and healthy body must have:
  • Strength - the extent to which muscles can exert force by contracting against resistance (slow twitch muscles)
  • Power - the ability to exert muscular contraction instantly, explosively
  • Balance - the ability to control the body's position; stationary or moving   
  • Speed - adequate for the chosen sport or activity (fast twitch muscles)
  • Agility - the ability to perform a series of explosive power movements repeatedly
  • Endurance - Local muscle endurance and strength endurance.
  • Cardiovascular Endurance - Local muscle endurance, cardiovascular endurance and strength endurance (If a runner, the ability to use muscles to maintain endurance, strength and pace.) 
  • Mobility - the ability to perform all Ranges of Movement related to the relevant activity
  • Coordination - the ability to integrate the above listed components so that effective movements are achieved
    Source: www.kneeclinic.info/knee_sports_injuries.php   

For all these elements to function optimally the body must:

  • Be pain free  (My first job as a Bowen Therapist and to help you with restriction of range of movement)
  • Be capable of a fully expected range of movement (My second job, make sure you do any stretches given)
  • Have an acceptable degree of strength and power (Rehabilitation exercises are so important)

Treatment of sporting injuries using Bowen Therapy addresses myofascial pain and dysfunction (i.e. pain that arises from the muscle and connective tissue.)    

Athletes may respond to injury in the following way: 

Denial - at the beginning the athlete cannot believe the injury is severe or that it will impact on their ability to continue with their sport. Pain is an indicator that something has gone wrong and needs immediate attention.

Anger - as the athlete is forced to accept their circumstances and stop their sporting activity.

Depression - self-worth becomes an issue with the reality of the situation.

Rehabilitation - I can listen and referrals can be given if asked for advice.


Direct - If left untreated a haemotoma may form and harden and form a lump like a cork.  Bowen is great for lymphatic drainage and impact injuries.

Indirect - Overloading muscolo-skeletal system.  Common indirect injuries are sprained ankles and torn hamstrings, lower back sprains.
Overuse- usually associated with excessive and repetitive use of the musculo tendinous unit, e.g. chronic inflammation of Achilles tendon, torn hamstrings (long distance running) and lower back strain (cricketers).

Sporting Injuries are usually Acute or Chronic

Acute - The initial stage (up to 72 or 96 hours post trauma (when the natural inflammatory process commences and when blood flow and swelling is occurring, prior to commencement of the repair phase (2 days to 6 week)s.  (MASSAGE IS CONTRAINDICATED during the acute phase. The connective tissue would become inflammed.  BOWEN THERAPY CAN ASSIST IN DECREASING INFLAMMATION.)

Chronic - The degree of current pain and inflammation defines the stage of repair (acute, sub acute, chronic). Damaged tissue is filled immediately with erythrocytes and inflammatory cells.  Phagocytosis of necrotic cells occur within 24 hours. Fibroblasts slowly lay down collagen scar tissue in a cross matrix.

Remodeling phase - 4 weeks to 12 months

Each phase overlaps. Every case will vary in each of the times.

If you put ice on an injury - 6 minutes maximum - because body sends heat to that site.   After that the blood comes to the surface and can cause the site to bleed again.

You need to know that the site has stopped bleeding because heat can cause excessive bleeding around the site also.

Sports Injury Management - HARM
For the first 72 hours.  What NOT to do!
Heat  Don't apply heat or deep heat creams as it increases bleeding
Alcohol  Don't consume alcohol as it increases swelling
Run  Don't run or exercise as exercising too soon can make the injury worse
Massage Don't massage the injured area as it will increase bleeding and swelling

If you have torn a hamstring it may be 4 - 6 weeks before you can return to sport.  (If you have torn your hamstring off the bone then surgical re-attachment may well be needed.)

Referral to a medical practitioner is given if appropriate and when I am unable to assess the condition.  The severity of the injury will decide whether to continue the activity and consideration given to the danger of making the injury worse by continuing competition.

I will formulate a basic plan of injury rehabilitation.  The responsibility is with you to get yourself back to being injury free.  Look at what you do a lot of.    A muscle may be weak or lengthened and you may need the antagonist muscle to work and be strengthened.  For instance you may need to get your gluteus medius firing to take the load of your hamstrings.

Injuries may include tendon strain, ligament sprain, subluxation, dislocation, fracture, bone bruising and combinations.

Do not leave injuries untreated.  Seek help.

I wish you Safety, Peace, Good Health and a Life of Ease.

With best wishes